About Me

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I'm Arianna, an adventure seeking Oregonian. My blog consists of my life, my hopes, my dreams, my thoughts, etc.

Friday, September 26, 2014

       The other day my friend Manto and I hiked to Spirit Falls, and because the water is low right now it wasn't as pretty, but it was still beautiful. We had such a fun adventure. For two hours we drove on E and had no service whatsoever. It was pretty terrifying, but we made it! Huzzah!
Spirit Falls; Dorena, OR

       I've decided I'm going to start doing the 52 Lists Project, inspired by the blog Moorea Seal.
The first week is to write a list of the words that touch your soul. Many words can touch your soul, whether they be good or bad.

       School is starting on Monday and I am so excited. I am taking Intro to Sociology, Modern dance, Spanish and Sign Language. I hope those of you who are already in school are enjoying it, and those who have school coming up are getting excited and taking time to distress themselves. Take yourself out on a date. Craft. Drink some tea. Read a book. Go outside. Just take care of yourself please. You're the only you you got! :) <3

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

       This past weekend was so incredible. Traveling to the coast with one of my dearest was the best decision we've made in a while. Along the way we rock climbed up numerous rocks in the ocean, climbed inside Devil's Punchbowl and swam, rock climbed up Sweet Creek Falls' waterfalls, and just had an entire blast feeling so alive. I've been craving adventure more and more recently, and I've been really give into it. It's been great. Life's been great.

Newport, OR

 Cave we crawled through from the beach into Devil's Punchbowl.

Devil's Punchbowl; Newport, OR

 Yachats, OR
Our view from the hotel we stayed at.

       Today I am headed off to hike some more falls outside of Cottage Grove, OR. I am so very excited and I will posting those pics soon. :)